Pierre Megos is a professional actor with a master's degree in dramatic interpretation (Insas).
He worked as an actor and performer for different directors internationally (Romeo Castellucci, Ricci forte, Laurent Pelly, Yves - noel genod, Armel Roussel, Sophie kokaj...).
In paralell, he developed with the support of the Belgian Ministry of Culture a multidisciplinary practice based on visual storytelling by acting, writing , directing images represented in different artistic forms : Live shows, Cinematographic productions, Performances, Photographs.
Nowadays, He is focused on his acting career for Cinema, Television and commercial. He worked on different projects and workshops with filmmakers such Alex Eslam, Mathieu Mortelmans, Félix Guimard , Dirk Domen , Willem Volker , Laura Wandel , Michael Blanchart , Ann Sirot et Rafael Balboni , Jean Benoit Ugeux Xavier Seron , Guérin van der vorst , Alexe Poukine, Valery Carnoy , Pablo Munos Gomez, Christophe de Groef…
Stardust asbl is the independent company which allows him to produce his creative work and Atelier1060 is the workspace which frames the various artistic researches of the company.
Contact : pierremegos@hotmail.com